Monday, May 13, 2019

BHEA: Great May 8th, Student Success Act Passes


I am tremendously heartened by the sheer number of folks wearing Red every Wednesday, and particularly on May 8th. It was incredible to see how many of us chose to come out on our breaks, hold signs, wave at drivers, and talk about the issues.

You need to know that the Student Success Act passed the Oregon Senate. This was a major step that I sincerely believe was deeply affected by the turnout of people across our state. Our own actions down here in Brookings ensured that the critical issues facing education in this state are known and taken seriously all the way down here in the southwesternmost corner of Oregon.

I look forward to anyone who would like to continue to join me in wearing Red on Wednesdays.

If you haven't yet, please check out Matthew Brock's article about our May 8th action.