Tuesday, March 19, 2019

BHEA: March for our Students


We've been seeing local news coverage of our activities lately, links below to two Curry Coastal Pilot articles. For those who weren't aware, members of our local participated in the 18 February 2019 March For Our Students. I, Dane Tippman, also attended following a vote affirming that I ought to attend. You can see a few pictures of our participation in the event below.



Many of our members are also wearing 'Red for Ed' on Wednesdays. The Red for Ed slogan and the practice of wearing red clothing on Wednesdays and at events and activities has its history in the NEA, the parent organization of the OEA, of which the BHEA is a member. It's likely that NEA began Red for Ed in the first place. As with any movement or slogan, what it becomes is sometimes different from what it was when it started, so please feel free to look into Red for Ed if you're curious about it, or about whether you'd like to participate. I wear Red for Ed on Wednesdays for my own personal and professional reasons, and you're free to join me for your own. Here are some articles about Red for Ed, one by our own former Pilot reporter Jayati Ramakrishnan.


Remember, if you're a member that would like to get involved in the work that we do, please reach out to us. Come to meetings, swing by my classroom and talk to me, e-mail me, or call me.